A Difficult Path that Cannot be Walked Alone

We cannot always understand the pathway on which we are travelling.  The way may be rocky and rugged. We may fearfully travel alone with uncertainty, loneliness and heartbreak – confusion lurking in the shadows. Our burdens feel too heavy as we sink in the marshland or stumble and fall. We cannot see the end of our trials and pain nor envision that the darkness of our night has a morning after…

But God promises that His presence will go with us. We can trust in His word and His changeless love, for He promises to give us rest and a heart of calmness as we put our faith in Him.

Yes, we may not be able to find meaning in this senseless and complex pattern of our lives, our hearts aching in frail humanity, but as we walk with the Master Artist we will find that He weaves the complex patterns together into a flawless and eternal perfection.  At the end of this path – a perfect eternity awaits.

About the Author
I lost the love of my life tragically and suddenly on 24 April 2014, 22 short months after meeting. He was the centre of my universe - my life. I am forever changed by this loss. I celebrate the day we met and the lifetime of memories we created in our short time together and at the same time mourn the future we will not have - the wedding that will not take place...growing old together. I live for our reunion day in heaven...
I'm Grieving, Now What?