What I Would Give

I would give anything for one more day with you. 

Just to feel the warmth of your gentle touch.

What I would give just to hear your voice, the joy in your contagious laughter, and never dull stories.

What I would give to have you sitting in your chair asking "What's cooking? It sure smells mighty good" 

Just one redo of those last weeks with you, would put my soul at ease.

What I would give to have had you never suffer the way you did. What I would give to have half the strength you did. 

About the Author

I am a mother to teenage boys, happily married to a man that has been with me through so much and by my side through it all. My father passed away 10/07/14 a day that has forever changed me and my family. This my grief journey, I have always almost written him poems whether it be for his birthdays, father's day or just to write him a little something, the most important poem written for my dad was the poem that was to be used in his memorial. These are writings that help me through a certain day, maybe after hearing a certain song that brings back memories or seeing his favorite snack down the chip aisle, stirring up emotion that I try to block.I will forever be his daughter.

I'm Grieving, Now What?