The Best of Alan Pedersen - Downloadable version

The Best of Alan Pedersen

Peace In The Mourning

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"On August 15th of 2001, life as I knew it ended and life as I now know it began.  I received a phone call that day telling me that my 18-year-old and only daughter Ashley had been killed in an automobile accident.  The journey of grief has been long and hard and I continue to walk through life with a missing piece of my heart.  Through the darkness of my grief, I have also found many blessings in celebrating Ashley’s life.  By sharing my story and music with others who have experienced loss, I have found tremendous healing. 

This CD contains 14 of my most requested songs and an added bonus of my latest song, Love Lives On.  It has been my honor to have my music played and shared all over the world by those wanting to find hope.  Each of the songs on this CD represents the pain but also the healing that has come into my life.  I hope this music touches you and takes you to that sacred place of sweet remembrance.”


Alan, Ashley’s Dad

Songs included on this CD 

That’s When I Think About You             
One More Yesterday
Something You Go Through                 
Worn Out Clichés
Tonight I Hold This Candle                      
Daddy Smile
Thanks For The Little While                       
A Little Father Down The Road
It’s My Life
I Know You By Heart (I Chase Butterflies)                         
I Remember You
Peace In The Mourning              
Celebrate The Children

And the never released bonus track: Love Lives On