It comes with experience as we go along with our life. The more we realize on who to give our love, care and time, the more we understand ourselves for the better. ~ Alcuizar Barredo
A reader writes: I was just surfing the net looking for info regarding pet loss in trying to help a friend of mine. I noticed your article about unhealthy bonding, and it so happens my friend is in just that situation. She called her pet her "child" and was overly attached to it during its life, excluding relationships at the expense of the pet and turning down invitations that did not include the pet as you said in the article. The pet died two years ago and she is still grieving heavily and is unwilling to move from a home that she is unhappy with due to not wanting to move away from the grave. Basically, your article describes her to a tee. I am at a loss as to how to help my friend. Can you give my any suggestions?