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Turning Your Loved One's Ashes Into a Diamond

We all hope that we will live together with our loved ones – and die together with them. Sometimes, however, fate is not together with us – and our loved one is suddenly no longer with us. They have gone into a world where we can’t reach them, and all that remains in this world for us are their ashes.

If only we could carry their ashes with us every day, remembering the beautiful moments we shared together. However, we can’t go around carrying an urn all day. We can, however, carry a diamond.

Ashes to ashes, and dust to… diamonds. You can actually turn your deceased loved ones into diamonds, without it looking creepy at all. Diamonds already symbolize eternity and love – but now they have an even deeper meaning.

Memorial diamonds are all the rage now – and although they are made through the same method as synthetic diamonds, they are as real as they can get. Imagine someone asking you about whether or not the ring on your finger is a gift from your husband – and your reply is that the diamond actually is your husband.

Even if your loved one is rather far away, a diamond made from the ashes of your loved one can actually make you feel closer to them.

Studying the Memorial Diamond Science

Every living organism, regardless if they are humans or plants, have the carbon element in their system. And guess what diamonds are made of? That’s right: carbon. Regardless of the diamond is synthetic or natural, it will still have a carbon base. The only difference is that a synthetic diamond would receive in the laboratory the effects (pressure and extreme heat) that it would receive inside the earth.

Human carbon can be extracted from any part of the body, regardless if it’s their entire remains or a lock of hair. The remains are placed in an environment with low-oxygen levels, high heat, and strong pressure to create the brute material. After it has received the right amount of polishing and treatment, it will look just like any other diamond – only it will be a more special one.

Diamonds and the Grieving Process

Legend says that a woman’s smile directly coincides with the size of the diamond ring she has on her finger. With a grieving woman, this might be slightly different – but truth be told, a diamond ring can help many people through the grieving process.

When it comes to grief and loss, there are five stages that we always go through at some point or another: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Some people go through these stages rather quickly – and others seem to take an eternity in order to reach acceptance.

Humans are programmed to think that nothing bad will happen to them, and that nothing will ever separate them from their loved ones. With a memorial diamond, however, it will be like they are still there – making it much easier for the grieving one to reach acceptance.

Final Thoughts

If you have the ashes of your loved one and you are grieving, you might want to find someone that specializes in turning ashes into diamonds. This way, you can go through the day while still feeling like your loved one is next to you.  

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