The blue birdhouse book tells Kris’s story of moving past the death of his teenage son, Blake. In it, Kris sha...
The Birdhouse Project is the first project-based healing tool of its kind. It was built around the...
For Those Grieving the Loss of a Loved One To Suicide...
Have a book already and just want to build another birdhouse? Want to share the power of this metaphor with a fr...
Have a book already and just want to build another birdhouse? Want to share the power of this metaphor wit...
Have a book already and just want to build another birdhouse? Want to share the power of this metaphor wit...
The Birdhouse Project is the first project-based healing tool of its kind. It was built around the beli...
The Birdhouse Project is the first project-based healing tool of its kind. It was built around the beli...
The Birdhouse Project is the first project-based healing tool of its kind. It was built around the beli...
Walking through Grief has also produced an informational and inspirional nine disc DVD program offering hope to ...