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Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms

Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms
Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms

John & Michelle. 

They fell in love as teenagers.

As adults, they reunited.

The promise of 50 beautiful years together, shattered by a devastating cancer diagnosis.

Join author, blogger, speaker and life coach, John Polo, as he takes you on a journey into the life of a young widower in this unique and eclectic book.

You will laugh.

You will cry.

You will agree.

And yes, you will question why.

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